Maritime Information Server Demo API

The Maritime Information Server (MIS) provides on demand information access; its Web Service component offers application developers with a REST (REpresentational State Transfer) based interface for interacting with the SSR System.
Some data is provided via a WebSocket interface (Centroids (WebSocket only) and GTC Tracks (both REST and WebSocket)).
Through this API, third party applications can perform the following interactions with the SSR system.

  • Alerts Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time alerts information
  • Cameras Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time camera status information
    • Retrieve real-time camera images
  • Centroids (WebSocket) Endpoint:
    • Retrieve current centroids over a WebSocket
  • Graphics Endpoint:
    • A graphic is a geometry (such as a circle or simple polygon) overlayed on a physical map having attributes which affect SSR Track or RP processing within this graphic.
    • MIS does not serve graphics. It is done by the RP Manager. MIS acts as a gateway between clients and the RP Manager to provide and operate on graphics.
    • Since MIS does not serve graphics, operations which affect graphics (i.e. create, update, delete) are dependent on the processing of the RP Manager. These operations will present a 'pendingState' until it is no longer pending.
    • A GET on a specific graphic will show any pending state as 'pending' or 'failed'.
    • A pendingState of 'pending' can last and be shown for less than a few seconds (typical) to up to 20 or 30 seconds after which it will show 'failed' for 10 seconds should the operation not be detected as performed.
    • Operations allowed are
      • Retrieves graphics
      • Requests Create, Edit, and Delete of graphics
  • Global Track Correlator (gtctracks) Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time track information for the Global Track Correlator
    • This data is provided via REST endpoint or WebSocket
  • RadarImage Endpoint:
    • Create a Radar Image with custom parameters and retrieve this real-time dynamic image
    • Note that:
      • Each Radar Image is created via the POST command
      • Has its own automatically generated identifier
      • See its POST documentation below for further information, such as how its automatically removed when no longer accessed
  • Radar Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time Radar Status
  • Ships Endpoint:
    • Retrieve stored vessel information
  • Stations Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time high-level status about each Station; each one comprised of a combination of:
      • Camera Manager (servicing one or more Cameras)
      • Display Station
      • Radar Processing (RP) Station, which has a combination of:
        • Navigation Service
        • Tracker Service
        • Radar Processing Service
    • This information is useful for providing the identifiers for accessing Cameras and Radars via their Endpoints.
  • Tracks Endpoint:
    • Retrieve real-time track information

How to Use This Demo

This webpage presents an interactive environment where new developers can understand and experiment with the API. Expanding each endpoint will provide you with detailed API information. Experimenting with different parameters and clicking the "Try it out!" button will return actual API results from the SSR live-demo system in Long Beach, CA.
You need to enter valid credentials to successfully use the 'Try it out!' button

To experiment with the API and making the "Try it out!" buttons work please enter the credentials. (note that even without supplying credentials, the API can still be explored.)

WebSocket Endpoints

Two endpoints can have their data accessed via WebSockets; Centroids and GtcTracks. Centroids are available only via WebSocket and GtcTracks are available by WebSocket or by REST endpoint.
The Centroid endpoint shown below shows the data fields to expect and how to interpret them; as if it were provided via a REST endpoint.
The WebSocket interface uses the STOMP sub-protocol and it's commands of CONNECT, DISCONNECT, SUBSCRIBE, and UNSUBSCRIBE for data and any error information.
WebSocket data is provided in the JSON format.
Basic example scripts are available on request.